Bioelectric Brushing Works.

“The MCTs showed a significantly decreased biofilm in the proximal area compared to the ordinary toothbrush and was observed to have a beneficial effect on the interdental area where the bristles of the toothbrush do not reach31.”
“A comparative analysis of the PI data of the MCT and the ordinary toothbrush used for 4 weeks based on the baseline (before brushing) showed that the tooth surface bacteria decreased with use of MCT, by 7.1 points (a 9.43% decrease), whereas the ordinary toothbrush showed a limited change of 1.1 points (a 1.42% decrease). Therefore, the comparative analysis indicated an improved efficacy of MCTs in PI reduction.”
better at removing plaque from interdental surfaces.
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“Our findings revealed a significant average plaque index reduction of 67% with BE technology compared with that at baseline (P < 0.05)”
reduction in gum inflammation and 59% reduction in bleeding in 2-4 weeks.
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Inflammation: “The patient used the BE toothbrush and non-BE toothbrush consecutively for 2 weeks in each, following their gingival index (GI) and plaque index (PI) measurement for the quantitative analysis. The results demonstrate 1.75 times more decrease of GI in BE toothbrush than the data of the non-BE device (p < 0.05).”
Bleeding: “The bleeding index demonstrated a 59% average reduction in all surfaces with BE technology (P < 0.05), whereas the non-BE group exhibited no significant change.”
By removing anaerobic bacteria that generate Volatile Sulphur Compounds (VSC), the regular use of GG brush shows a reduction in VSCs: hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan levels in 53% after 1 week.

Silvana Barros, DDS is continuing our research in the United States alongside our founder, Dr. Young Wook Kim. In vitro studies are being conducted at The Columbia University College of Dental Medicine to further research various aspects of the Great Gums brush performance. The findings from these studies will be published and will also guide a subsequent clinical trial.